Monday, August 31, 2009
Five for Five
Burgers. check. Brats. check. Buns. check. Chips. check. Beer. check. check. check. Don't forget the grill. Did I mention beer?
Bored at work? There are tons of Irish game day videos out there that send chills up your spine. Or you can log onto the ND website and check out the web cams of campus. Just think: Notre Dame Stadium. Our Lady. the Golden Dome. The Basilica of Sacred Heart. The Grotto. Touchdown Jesus. Bond Hall. Fisher Hall. I get stoked just thinking about it!!
You can't attend a Notre Dame football game without every inch of clothing being something Notre Dame. I know you all have been to the bookstore. There is no creation in the world that doesn't have a Notre Dame emblem on it. Also, you can't go wrong with a Notre Dame jersey. Every number is a winner as somebody famous wore it at some point!
Nobody likes an uninformed Notre Dame fan. Learn your numbers. Memorize the depth chart. Pronounce your names correctly. Please people, just because there are two guys wearing #9 and two wearing #5 does not give you an reason to get them confused. If you can't partake in the pregame tailgate conversation (or more like a debate), you're an embarrassment. Put down your beer, pick up a water and head to Bond to hear the band because you are just not prepared.
Who needs an alarm clock when you have the Band of the Fighting Irish! It's almost game day baby! Jump out of bed and march to the shower like you're in the Irish Guard (guilty). You don't need coffee! Excitement alone will get you through this week. Sing the fight song over and over and over on your way to work.
Friday, August 21, 2009
T’s Top 10 Man-Crushes: #8

This supreme athlete plays a position at which the Irish struggled mightily to recruit during the Willingham years. So, when Chuck grabbed a verbal from the top-ranked CB (per he was number 1 at the time of his commitment) I went goo goo eyed for the future lock-down cover man.
Darrin Walls is this knight in shining armour (for all the British readers) of whom I speak. He was the best player at our biggest position of need. Perfect fit!! Suck on that, THIS, will be an everlasting love. So, let’s break down the ways of his awesomeness, and as Kenny Powers might say: “Listen here you beautiful bitch, I’m about to drop some knowledge on you.”
1. Darrin was the ONLY bright spot in the infamous 2007 season. When you go 3-9 you really have to whip out a magnifying glass to find a bright spot. However, the play of this true sophomore provided something to smile about. He showed a knack for knocking away pass attempts at the last minute. Plus…
2. He replaced Ambrose Wooden in the starting line-up. He was a nice guy, don’t get me wrong. However, Wooden was the source of much of my football angst; so, I embraced the change. I still think about the 4th and long against USC in ’05… Sorry, I had to take a break. I upset myself.
3. D-Walls has a sweet, innocent baby-face. Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. You have seen him, and I know you noticed it, too. Looking so pleasant and unassuming, anyone one stop to help if they saw this face on the side of the road. Maybe that is why he is so good. Receivers want him to bat the ball away or pick it off because he just looks so darned nice. Sounds like a science fair project.
4. He rocks the single digit. If you like single digits let me hear say YEAH YEAH. If you read my #9 story, then you know I have an affinity for single digits. I can’t quite explain it, but… YEAH YEAH.
5. He came back!! When Darrin left last year, it would have been easy for him to transfer to another school (Fauria, Yeatman, etc.). I don’t know the reasons behind his departure, and I don’t care. I’m just glad that his is back.
Thank you for keeping up with this revolutionary list, or I guess I should say, “Your Welcome.” Check back next time, when I break-down why I love #7 so much.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Love-Hate Relationship
#1 - Pete Carroll
#2 - Reggie Bush - Bush Push (2005)
#3 - David Gordon - Boston College kicker (1993)
#4 - Tyrone Willingham
#5 - Ohio State
These, however, are a bias for Notre Dame. ESPN holds a bias against Notre Dame. Check out these Top 5 villains from various ESPN writers:
Ted Miller: #3 Charlie Weis
Brian Bennett: #1 Notre Dame
Chris Low: #1 Notre Dame
Graham Watson: #2 Charlie Weis
Adam Rittenberg: #1 Charlie Weis
Heather Dinich: #2 Charlie Weis
This blows my mind. I realize ESPN and its affiliates have a long-standing hatred for Notre Dame; maybe because they can’t fully profit from Notre Dame due to the NBC contract. The worldwide hatred for Charlie Weis is stated to be due to his extreme arrogance. Granted, Weis was cocky when he arrived in South Bend, but many coaches are just as arrogant, if not more arrogant than Weis (Lane Kiffin, Nick Saban, Steve Spurrier and Pete Carroll are all greater villains).
It’s hard to argue against the fact that hatred for team boils down to success. Weis arrived in South Bend and made Notre Dame relevant again. Notre Dame was all but dead under Davie and Willingham, and the sports media relished in that fact. Furthermore, most of these writers grew up in a time of Notre Dame dominance. Under Parseghian, Devine, and Holtz, Notre Dame won four National Championships and compiled a record of 248-63-7 (.780 winning percentage) over 28 years that spanned 1964-1996. People grew up hating Notre Dame, the same way I grew up hating Ohio State (.826 winning percentage from 1993-1998), and the same way people now will forever live to hate Pete Carroll/ USC (.854 winning percentage under Carroll) and Urban Meyer/Florida (.830 winning percentage under Meyer).
Still, Weis has not had success the past two seasons. Therefore, why does Weis or Notre Dame even matter? If one’s reasoning was based on Weis’ arrogance, than the past two seasons should be enough vindication. That in itself proves a more underlying motive. Maybe this revived hatred is a harbinger of a successful season? I sure hope so.
Monday, August 17, 2009
O Captain, My Captain
Scott Smith has been a loyal member to the Irish football team, excelling at special teams throughout his career, and thus a strong representation for special teams. Furthermore, the 5th year senior Smith is slated to start at linebacker. Joining him on the starting defense is 5th year senior safety Kyle McCarthy. After a solid year last season, McCarthy is poised for a dominant year, and truly deserving of the captain title. This kid is the epitome of what Notre Dame Football means and the type of players Notre Dame needs. He’s a tough, hard working kid with a passion for the game and an even greater football mind. It’s hard to believe ND almost missed out on this kid.
Moving on to offense, selecting Jimmy Clausen as a captain was a no-brainer. There is not a more important position in football than the QB. I hope Clausen has matured into a leader, as the success of this season may fully lie on his shoulders and his development as a player and in-game coach. Lining up in front of him will be senior C Eric Olsen. I love the selection of Olsen as a captain for a lot of reasons. I know he is vocal in pre-game warm-ups, as evident in the USC scuffle (and many others) last season. He’s from Brooklyn; he talks trash. I just hope he can back it up this year. Still, the man is nasty and carries a swagger, which if channeled properly (see former All-American C Jeff Faine) can do some damage to the opponent. The first opportunity to intimidate is the coin flip. Why not have our 6’4”, 305 lbs. tattooed beast with flowing locks meet the opponent at mid field and strike a little fear in the opposing captains. After all, when’s the last time an opposing team was scared of the Irish?
Monday, August 10, 2009
Preseason Rankings
As the season quickly approaches, an abundance of preseason polls and power rankings have emerged. Here is a quick recap:
USA Today Poll - #23
I believe this is a great position for the Irish to start the season. Not over-hyped, but not overlooked. This location in the Top 25 gives the Irish notoriety to start the season, and forces their on-field performance to enhance and justify their ranking. This is first preseason ranking for the Irish since they started the 2006 season ranked #3. Taking a glance at ranked Irish opponents: USC (#4), Michigan State (#27), Pittsburgh (#30), Nevada (#41), Boston College (#50), Navy (#55), Michigan (#59). With seven of twelve opponents receiving votes, maybe the Irish schedule isn’t as easy as advertised.
ESPN Power Rankings - #18
This comes as a surprise to me. Sportswriters, particularly those at ESPN, love to annually write about the lost tradition of Notre Dame Football, how the Irish are over hyped and often under perform. Furthermore, if you look at the breakdown of the fifteen voters, ND received votes from as high as #11 to unranked, which is an immense spread. The #11 ranking was courtesy of Ivan Maisel. Pat Forde, who notoriously penned Tyrone Willingham as the “Scourge of Humanity” and an avid ND hater, gave the Irish a #15 ranking. The unranked vote came from Chris Low, ESPN’s SEC blogger. No surprise there as he stuck to his guns with his SEC bias, ranking SEVEN SEC teams in his top 25, including FOUR in the Top Ten. What a shocker!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
T’s Top 10 Man-Crushes: #9

If you are a Notre Dame Football fan reading this article and you still do not realize who I am referring to, please do me a favor and disassociate yourself with the University entirely. I speak of the Polynesian Punisher, the Wildman from the Island, Mr. Manti Te’o. [NOTE: I am currently in the process of copyrighting those nicknames; so, all you journalists need to back off… unless you plan on sending me royalties, in which case have at it]. He comes into his freshman year as the most highly regarded defensive recruit since Sweet Lou’s reign.
This is one of those crushes I described in the first installment of T’s Top 10 Man-Crushes (see the 8/3/09 article), love at first sight. What is not to like about this kid? He is a quiet, unassuming, religious, genuine kid off the football field. [Matter of fact, Manti, if you are reading this: yes, you can have my daughter’s hand in marriage. She isn’t exactly born, yet. But offer’s on the table. (Pending, wife’s approval).] However, on the field Manti is a complete monster. If you don’t believe me, check out the film biography of Manti, The Incredible Hulk, starring Ed Norton (I heard their first choice was The Rock, err... Dwayne Johnson, err… Rocky Maivia). Naturally this is a metaphoric portrayal, but if you replace the tanks and helicopters with RBs, WRs, and QBs you’ll get the point.
Now let me break down some of the reasons Manti Te’o will be my future son-in-law:
1) He is Polynesian… and he isn’t playing for USC, UCLA, BYU, or Utah. Wow, I mean seriously, this has to be a first. A gifted Latter Day Saint not playing for one the above schools. Manti mentioned, in his reasons for choosing to play for ND, that he wanted blaze his own trail (I’m pretty sure he meant this metaphorically). Well, Manti, this puts you up there with Lewis and Clark, Columbus, and Davey Crockett. Actually, Joseph Smith Jr. is probably a better comparison. [NOTE: If you don’t get that reference, it’s time to educate yourself. Google it.]
2) He can make grown me cry, in more than one way. The first, and most obvious way, is through his crushing tackles. The second, and equally entertaining, is best evidenced by BYU Head Football Coach, Bronco Mendenhall. During WAC Media days last week CBS Sports Reporter and long-time ND-hater, Chris Dodd, must have touched on a sensitive subject when discussing Mr. Te’o. I won’t go into details (You can read it for yourself here), but the synopsis is Bronco performs his best imitation of a high school girl that was dumped by the star football player.
3) He has an accent. I’ll admit, I’ve wanted an accent ever since I saw Kindergarten Cop (Arnold was robbed of an Oscar; please, don’t even get me started). You show me someone who doesn’t love an accent, and I show you the Grand Dragon.
4) The apostrophe in the last name is totally sweet. I’ve already applied for my new social security card with my new name: Sul’ivan. I’ve always felt the second “L” was pretty dumb. Now I have a sweet solution. Thank you, Manti.
5) He’s rocking number 5 on his jersey. I don’t have any particular connection to the number, but seeing big defense hulks running around in numbers typically reserved for QBs, RBs, and WRs makes me smile. It brings back memories of Kinnon Tatum, who my #1 ND linebacker man-crush of all time.
Honorable Mention: He went to the same high school as President Obama (regardless of your political stance, that fact that the most famous person to graduate from his high school is infinitely more famous than the most famous person to graduate from your high school makes him better than you. Also, it increases the likelihood that the President of the Free World will watch our games on football Saturdays).
Whether or not you share my sentiment over ND’s first Hawaiian son, you can bet he will lei the opponent… on their asses.
Join me next time as I reveal T’s Top 10 Man-Crushes: #8…
Monday, August 3, 2009
T’s Top 10 Man-Crushes: #10

I have little to no actual playing experience; so, I will spare you any technical analysis. This list simply defines why I, as a life-long ND fan, have an obsession with these particular individuals. There is nothing to debate, nothing may be disputed, this list is utterly perfect… because I said so.
Some of these beautiful relationships are love at first sight, some are developed through tremendous play, perhaps some provide some sort of personal connection, and some are just physical attraction… just kidding. Number 10 is on this list because of the fact he could probably beat the crap out of every other person on the team and every other team for that matter. With the first overall selection of my personal badass draft T selects… Trevor Robinson!!!
Trevor comes from the plains of Nebraska, where the state motto is “Be tough as shit.” That’s right this hoss is corn-fed to kill you dead, big and round he’ll put your ass down. I pretty sure he’s got nicknames for his guns. It’s probably something like Lex and Luther, just a guess. If he doesn’t then someone please notify Mr. Robinson that he has qualified to do so. [NOTE to all readers: I’m not sure how you qualify to be eligible to name you “guns”; however, I’m pretty sure you don’t. Only 7 people in the world, so far, qualify: Trevor, Mr. T, Arnold, Hulk Hogan, Rambo, Rocky, and Judge Dredd] [Second NOTE: Although 3 Sly Stallone characters made the cut, Sly himself did not… yo].
This is the part of the article where I would like to provide some breakdown analysis of why I have this man-crush for Trevor.
1) As previously stated, he can beat you up, as well as the vast majority of Earth.
2) He rocked flowing, curly locks for an entire football season. I like to call this the Brad Pitt factor. Let’s take a mental trip. Remember Troy? Remember Achilles? Remember how you wanted to be him? Remember how you still want to be him? Exactly.
3) As a true sophomore I get to enjoy T-Rob’s ND escapades for 3 more seasons!
4) Besides being big, he is uber nasty. He’d probably punt your dog off of a bridge, just for fun. I don’t even want to think about a cat.
5) He single-handedly converted the name “Trevor” into a culturally acceptable moniker. I know what you are thinking, and No, it was not acceptable prior.
Now that you all have heard the lore of Mr. Robinson, I’m sure you are a little frightened. However, I hope you’ll join me for our next installment of “T’s Top 10 Man-Crushes” when we take a look at #9...
A Tale of Two Seasons