Jimmy Clausen’s Black Eye
So yesterday, I wake up to a text message from Hack Attack telling me “If Clausen can’t even show his face in South Bend without getting beat up, how can we expect him to stick around.” I thought great, just what this program needs right now. Their star quarterback gets mugged in the beautiful city of South Bend. So I immediately jump out of bed, get to my computer and read the article. This is where I find out that it was an irate fan that punched him and it was outside of my favorite bar. Even worse, he was with his family. What a great picture this paints for my beloved University. So once I got to work, I immediately start fielding questions from co-workers about “Clausen’s Black Eye”. And the more I talked and thought about it, I got the feeling we’re not getting the full story about what happened outside of CJ’s that Sunday morning.
So I reached out to my sources back on campus to find out the true story behind “Clausen’s Black Eye”. (By the way, by putting Clausen and black eye together, I’m hoping to get some Google traffic to this site). Anyways, my source informed me that Clausen did not get punched by an irate fan rather it was a friend of Jimmy’s teammate. So Clausen, who was at CJ’s with his brothers, was leaving at 2:30 with his female acquaintance. While Jimmy was outside, 19s girlfriend spilled a drink on the brothers. The brothers then exchanged some words with 19 and his girlfriend. My boy 90 sees this happening and runs out to tell Jimmy that his brothers are chatting with 19. But guess what, a friend of 19 hears this and starts for the door because he’s got his buddy’s back (as any good friend would). Jimmy sees this and tries to stop him and let him know that they’re his brothers talking to 19. Well the conversation isn’t going well and Jimmy gives this guy a shot to the face. Well Mr. 19s friend responds with what may now be known as “the punch”. It is this one punch that gives Jimmy a black eye and knocks him to the ground. From what it sounds like, it was a pretty solid hit and Jimmy’s eye is pretty swollen.
You may ask, where was the O-Line or the other football players that were there with him? Well the O-Line tried throwing a couple of blocks to help Jimmy out, but whiffed (what a surprise). Okay so this part was made up but it was too easy for me not to say it.
Anyways, why do I believe this story?
1. This event happened Sunday, why did it take until Tuesday to be reported?
2. There was no police report filed. You would think that as Jimmy and his family were enjoying some delicious burgers, cold beers and sharing some laughs, you know, just being Americans, where all of a sudden he gets sucker punched (That’s the picture I painted). Pretty sure most of our family members would have called the cops if that happened
3. It occurred at 2:30 in the morning. Yes, possible that a fan would do this because he was drunk, but I have a hard timing thinking that a Notre Dame fan would throw a punch unprovoked. I mean this is the same fan base that was congratulating Navy fans, yes not players, after the game on their win.
4. This is a pretty detailed story.
5. The players will not be speaking this week. Yes, we can think it’s to avoid Charlie questions, which they would be asked no doubt. But I think it also might have to do with not showing Jimmy’s face.
2. There was no police report filed. You would think that as Jimmy and his family were enjoying some delicious burgers, cold beers and sharing some laughs, you know, just being Americans, where all of a sudden he gets sucker punched (That’s the picture I painted). Pretty sure most of our family members would have called the cops if that happened
3. It occurred at 2:30 in the morning. Yes, possible that a fan would do this because he was drunk, but I have a hard timing thinking that a Notre Dame fan would throw a punch unprovoked. I mean this is the same fan base that was congratulating Navy fans, yes not players, after the game on their win.
4. This is a pretty detailed story.
5. The players will not be speaking this week. Yes, we can think it’s to avoid Charlie questions, which they would be asked no doubt. But I think it also might have to do with not showing Jimmy’s face.
So why do I care about Jimmy’s Black Eye so much?
A. He is our quarterback (in a Lovie Smith voice)
B. The way the media is reporting this makes Notre Dame look terrible and can’t paint a good picture for possible recruits.
C. I bought his jersey this year.
Hopefully the true story starts to circulate instead of the current story out there. If it doesn’t, I think Notre Dame needs to come out and say it was not an “irate” fan that punched Jimmy, rather it was a simple misunderstanding between young men and these young men were doing what most college students do on a Saturday night. (I’m sure they can think of something better, but that’s not my job.)
Anyways stayed tuned for my next post: The State of Notre Dame football.
PS – Just read ESPN they’re still reporting it was a fan that did it. At least we can look forward to Jimmy wearing his helmet the whole game with the visor. It will kind of be like LT when he didn’t play against the colts.
Also, as this is word of mouth, not sure if all, ior if any, of the details of this story are true. Just thought I would say that in the rare chance someone outside of our group does read this.
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