8 straight weeks of football got you down? Boss man keep riding you? You need a 5-game energy drink - that is, assuming you make it through the day to make that coveted appointment with one of your bowl game tie-ins.
Did you just lose a game to a lowly competitor? Do you feel as if sometimes you just can't hold on to the ball, or fit that pass through a 30-foot gap in the defense, or even can't muster that last ounce of courage to stay off a cut-block? Keep your feet! You need a shot of adreneline.
Stop sleep-walking and grab a 5-game Energy. It will help you pwn through the likes of nagging staff accountants, such as Tulsa and Army. It can help you understand the fluent languages of that new foreign guy in the office who's just making it rain (Utah) or possibly get that cool new promotion over an old rival (USC). Ok, let's not go that far - I mean, you did just lose that big account to Sam (Navy). It seems like just yesterday you used to own him in sales, and now he's just outworking (and outsmarting) you.
Yep, you can do it too. All in a small bottle of citicoline, tyrosine, phenylalanine, taurine, malic acid, glucuronolactone, and caffeine (shorthand: pride). Take a swig, fellas - it can't hurt.
**Side effects may vary. Please consult a doctor (Lou) if your losing skid lasts longer than this weekend.
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